Welcome stranger to the TL; DR Sunday #6, hope you had an amazing week! Go grab something to drink or eat and let us dive into today’s episode.
So last week, we created a lipstick visual in Blender. We talked about the problems I faced, learned a bit about contrast and scene lights. If you missed it, go check it out here.
Aim higher
I wanted to create a mobile app for this particular visual and theme. Since I think that connecting these two workflows, 3D and 2D, is an essential skill to learn and to differ from others, at least a little bit.
I also liked the view that Michal Malewicz has on today’s design state. That the UI/UX world is boring.
Michal says, that designers are afraid to go above and beyond, so they stick to the old boring ways and are afraid to fail. That got me inspired a little for today’s episode.
That being said, Michal didn’t mean for designers to do what I did here, rather than think outside the box, think outside the digital world, and innovate. Make things, that haven’t been done. Something like this. A great example of what Michal meant by a member of Michal’s Slack group.
Be different
I wanted to push myself a little. Do something a little weird, maybe not UX perfect but something different.
The goal of this concept was
- Make something simple, clean-looking, and visually pleasing
- Make something that isn’t common and try to think outside the box
- Get Bobby back to action
- Try to solve a problem

After a while of thinking, I decided that the problem I will try to solve is time. I think that time is precious for us these days. There’s nothing more valuable than time.
Nowadays there are so many sites, so many options out there. I don’t like options, at least not many. I think that if people have too many options, they can’t decide what they want, It’s harder to navigate the site or app for them. They become confused.
This is a great example I think. If you want to buy something on the Internet, you have to go through the websites, you have to search and compare. Which takes a lot of time.
Even if you do invest the time into this, you may not find the product or brand you’re looking for. So you have to search again and again.
This app solves this problem with Bobby. You see Bobby is an AI Bot, and he knows things. So rather than surfing the internet and looking for the product you want for ages. You ask Bobby.
Bobby to the rescue

Bobby will go through the data he has. He will autofill your desires and find what you want in seconds.
The good thing is, this concept can be applied to any field really. Not just cosmetics and self-care routines. I went with this theme, simply because I already had 3D models for this. But this can be anything, from tech products to food to anything you can imagine really.

After designing the previous screens, I asked myself. How can I simplify this even more? How can I save even more time?
Well, I myself hate to fill out the forms when I’m ordering something. It’s long and tedious. Sure, sometimes it autofills, but not always tho.
I added a quick payment option to the cart page and removed the forms. The app will take your location and fill it for you, then it will autofill saved cards from your phone, or apple pay on your iPhone and let you quickly pay for the desired products.
The next level
In the end, you can play with this concept a lot. Curate it so it’s perfect and solve more problems at once. The most important thing, as I like to say, is to have FUN
I really enjoyed this kind of process, it pushed me a little further outside my comfort zone. Think outside the box. Try some crazy shapes or weird ideas. Think about what the user would want to see. Push the boundaries. Even a little.
That’s all for today!
I wish you all a beautiful end of the weekend and see you at the next one!